Rainwater harvesting is the process of collection and re-utilisation of rainwater that falls on rooftops, paved areas, landscapes and other surfaces. The harvested water is used for various purposes and not limited to irrigation, flushing toilets, and washing clothes. Rainwater harvesting helps to conserve water, promotes sustainability, ensures equitable water-use and reduces dependency on secondary water sources.

Rainwater harvesting has many benefits, such as:

  • Conserves water and reduces dependency on secondary water sources
  • Reduces storm water runoff, which can cause erosion, flooding, and water pollution
  • Provides a reliable and sustainable source of water for non-potable uses like irrigation and toilet flushing
  • Processing with basic household filters can bring the rainwater to potable level
  • Reduces water bills for homes and businesses that use rainwater harvesting systems
  • Saves energy required for pumping from long distances
  • Reduces greenhouse gasses released during transportation of water with tankers
  • Dilution effect of rainwater improves water quality in general
  • Can help mitigate the effects of drought and water scarcity
  • Can be an important tool in addressing global water issues such as virtual water trade and water security.

Rainwater is considered as one of the purest form of water with <50 TDS. It is only when it mixes with atmospheric and surface impurities, the water gets mixed. Although rainwater is generally regarded as safe for human consumption, it may contain contaminants and pollutants that can be harmful to human health. Therefore, it is essential to treat rainwater prior to consumption, either by boiling it or by simple filtration.

Rainy Research and Manufacturing provides end-to-end rainwater harvesting solutions. The services include consulting, system design, installation, and maintenance services to residential and commercial properties. We can evaluate your property, design a custom rainwater harvesting system according to your specifications, install the system, and provide ongoing maintenance and support.

The price of a rainwater harvesting system can vary based on the system's size, complexity, and local labour and material costs. However, the initial expenses of installing a rainwater collection system can be offset by long-term savings on water bills and reduce dependency on conventional water sources.

There are several types of rainwater harvesting systems, including:

  • Rooftop catchment systems, which collect rainwater from rooftops and direct it into storage tanks
  • Surface catchment systems, which collect rainwater from paved areas and direct it into storage tanks or infiltration basins
  • Green roof systems, which use vegetation and soil to capture and store rainwater on rooftops
  • Rain gardens, which use plants and soil to capture and absorb rainwater in landscaped areas However, rooftop rainwater harvesting is considered to be the most efficient and simple method.

The amount of rainwater you can collect depends on several factors, including the size of your catchment area (e.g., a roof or paved area), the amount of rainfall in your area, and the size of your storage tank. Rainy filters can help you calculate how much rainwater you can collect based on your specific site and needs. For instance, for 110 Sq M roofed household, in a city like Bangalore-India, it is possible to collect about 100,000 Liters of rainwater annually.

Regular inspection and maintenance should be performed on conventional rainwater harvesting systems to ensure their functionality and prevent problems such as clogs, stagnation and contamination. However, Rainy filters do not require routine maintenance because they are self-cleaning and auto-flushing systems. Nevertheless, we recommend inspecting your system at least once a year and performing routine maintenance such as gutter cleaning, filter inspection, and storage tank flushing.

Treated rainwater can be used for drinking, cooking, and non-potable applications such as irrigation, cleaning and toilet flushing.

If you are interested in installing a rainwater harvesting system, contact Rainy filters to schedule a consultation. We can evaluate your site, design a custom system, and provide installation and maintenance services to help you conserve water and rely less on conventional water sources.

A rainwater filter is a device designed to remove impurities and contaminants from rainwater before it is collected and stored for later use. Rainwater can pick up various pollutants and debris as it falls through the atmosphere and lands on roofs or other surfaces, making it unsuitable for drinking or other uses without proper treatment.

Rainy filters work on dual working principles depending on the intensity of the rain. During periods of light rainfall, it relies on "cohesive force," and during periods of heavy rainfall the filter automatically switches over to "centrifugal force". These filters require no external energy; they rely solely on gravity.

It is recommended to purchase self-cleaning filters to avoid frequent manul maintenance and to look for high-efficiency filters. Here at Rainy, we have designed a cost-effective, self-cleaning, dual-intensity filter that operates at a high level of efficiency.

Dual intensity indicates that the filter is designed to handle any intensity of precipitation, from light to heavy. Both low- and high-intensity rain is effectively filtered by dual intensity Rainy filters.

A non-clogging filter is a type of filtration system designed to prevent blockages or clogs caused by the accumulation of contaminants or debris. The Rainy filter assembly is an open-ended system without a gate valve at the drain outlet that prevents water and solid particle stagnation by continuously flushing out dirt and debris.

Rainy’s "V-Wire injection well tecnology" is a highly accepted modern method of surface run-off rainwater harvesting that works at very high efficiency in recharging the groundwater. It eliminates conventional filtration systems and saves precious space, construction costs, and construction time for the filtration tank. Scientific Design makes cleaning very easy and saves maintenance costs. Above all, injection wells are known for giving faster results without hampering the aquifer.

An injection well for groundwater recharge is a type of well that is used to inject treated surface rainwater into an aquifer for the purpose of replenishing or augmenting groundwater supplies. The injection process is a method of indirect point source recharge that promotes lateral water retention in the earth strata.

Groundwater is not an unlimited resource. Groundwater recharge refers to the process by which water is added to an aquifer, the natural underground reservoir that stores groundwater. This can occur through various natural and artificial means, such as precipitation, surface water runoff, and intentional injection of water into the ground.

Rooftop rainwater harvesting is the practice of collecting and storing rainwater that falls on rooftops for later use. This involves capturing rainwater from rooftops and directing it into a storage system such as a tank, cistern, or underground reservoir after passing it through a filter apparatus. Rooftop rainwater harvesting systems typically include a gutter system to collect rainwater from the roof and downspouts or pipes to channel the water to a storage tank. The collected water is then treated and filtered as needed for its intended use.

Rainy filters are simple to install and are wall mountable units. 360-degree union rotation capability make Rainy filter suitable for any site conditions. It can be easily wall mounted, self-installable with easy to understand instructions make it user friendly or any local plumber with minimal experience is sufficient for installing.
