Completely Indigenous and Patented Technology for Dual Intensity Rainwater Harvesting Filters called 'Rainy'. For groundwater recharging, our innovation uses an injection well equipped with "V-Wire Screens" that enables replenishment of groundwater source.

rain water harvesting filtration
  • dropRainwater is one of the purest source of water with less then 50mg/ litre of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).
  • dropMinimalistic, easy-to-install and easy to maintain Products
  • dropReduction of Carbon Footprint and Recharge water source to avail clean water for consumption.


When the rainwater along with dirt & debris flows by gravity through the downtake pipes, it enters into the filter and starts rotating in anticlockwise direction at the periphery of the upper housing, this enables it to flow into the SS-304 filter element placed in the lower housing in angular motion at specific speed & velocity, which creates cohesive force at low intensity & centrifugal force at high intensity of rainfall. In both situations, involving low & high intensity of rainfall, the working principle of the filter based on cohesive & centrifugal force respectively, aids the filter element to flush out dirt & debris automatically. The water then passes through the drain outlet and simultaneously diverts clean water into the sump/ recharging well through the clean water outlet, which can be used for reutilization or recharging of groundwater source.

  • dropDual Intensity Filters works on the principle of Cohesive & Centrifugal force.
  • dropThe open drain design does not allow stagnation of water and dirt particles.
  • dropWorks on Gravitation force (No external energy required).
  • dropCost effective and affordable.
  • dropCompact in size and wall mounted.
  • dropInbuilt self-cleaning mechanism.
  • dropAutomatic flush out of dirt and debris.
  • dropNo consumables required.
  • dropFlexibility in pipe connection to any angle.
  • dropTough UV stabilized high density polyethylene housing.
  • dropFilter Element SS-304 Multi-Surface Screen food grade.
  • dropAll the material used are food grade and recyclable.
  • dropFilter Pipe connections can be turned up to 360 Degrees allowing it to suit the given site conditions.
  • dropSimple in connection, which any local plumber can easily install.
  • dropThe filter efficiency remains unchanged even with the variation of intensity of rainfall.
  • dropThe filters do not have any moving parts; there is no wear & tear of the filter allowing for long life span.
  • dropTechnology works on the Gravitational Principle so saves power (reduces the pumping of water from distant places & depths).
  • dropSwirling movement of water is formed while ‘Rainy’ filters are under operation, this leads to aeration of water. Thus, increases the water quality.
  • dropBy storing water in the sump and reutilizing, around 35% of the annual requirement of water in a household can be met. Thereby a considerable amount on the water and power bill can be saved.
  • dropDependency on water tankers, groundwater and corporation water can also be much reduced
  • dropAll materials used in this Technology are eco-friendly and recyclable
  • dropReduces significant carbon foot print
  • dropTechnology works on the Gravitational Principle and reduces the pumping of water from distant places & depths
  • dropChecks overexploitation of groundwater source.
  • dropPrevents water logging in low lying areas.
  • dropFor an average rainfall of 800 MM per year over a rooftop of 250 Sq.m, 'Rainy' Filter can harvest average 2,00,000 litres of precious filtered water.


FL-V-WIRE INJECTION WELL TECHNOLOGY for runoff rainwater harvesting and recharge.

To develop a Point Source Artificial Groundwater Recharge structure which can recuperate dried bore wells within a very short timeframe employing an enhanced rate of recharge capturing the surface runoffs.

The FL V-Wire injection well technology invented by Farmland Rainwater Harvesting Systems in the year 2002 was significantly upgraded in the year 2007 due to constant research & development, both at the state of the art Hydraulic Research & Development Lab and at the field level. This technology is unique in many ways. It uses Gravitational Energy and the use of eco-friendly materials having a long-life span. The technology has gained wide spread acceptance by various Government Organizations in the State of Karnataka in Districts and Taluks which are highly drought prone, because of the positive results obtained in enhancing the water table in severely depleted areas. Hence, this technology has found wide acceptance in various Central and State Government sponsored sustainable schemes in providing water security for drinking and agriculture to the rural community in the drought-prone areas in many states of India. Because of the success obtained at the government level, the technology also gained ground in the private sector.

The system consists of a silt trap unit, a recharge well (5 to 6 meters with 20% filtration media consisting of crushed stone, gravels, coarse sand, activated carbon and charcoal; and the rest for storage of water) and a recharging bore (20 to 60 meters) at the bottom of the recharge well. The rain water is led through a water channel and first reaches the silt trap, which allows for silt to settle down in the chamber. The overflow water is led into the Injection Well fitted with the FL V-Wire filter unit through a horizontally connected pipe. It then passes through multilayer of filtration media placed at the top of the Injection Well.

The water accumulates below the filter media in a specially designed storage well, which creates a water column. The percolator pipe, attached to the non-clogging FL V-wire screen, is placed by boring through the permeable strata at higher depths of about 30 to 60 meters below the ground level. The water then passes through the permeable strata by gravity and reaches the dry joints, cracks, weathered zone; and recharges the aquifer holding the groundwater. The water also gets filtered while passing through the permeable strata.

groundwater recharge

Due to the installations of FL V-wire Injection Wells in many of the severely drought prone areas across the country, the groundwater table has significantly improved. The intervention through FL V-wire Injection Well technology led to hundreds of bore wells which had water tables more than 1000 feet below ground level being recharged to half their levels (450 to 500 feet). Due to acute shortage of power during the peak summer season, a vast majority of the farmers resort to diesel generators to pump out water. The energy requirement to pump out the water is directly proportional to the static head and quantum of water discharged, thereby significantly lowering the required pump capacity, with increase in water table and thus reduction in carbon emission.


Farmland Rainwater Harvesting Systems is working closely with Government agencies and Private sectors on rejuvenation of the severely depleted bore wells in drought prone areas. Till now, it has undertaken more than 20,000 installations of this technology. Many of these have been undertaken with the support of the Government under the National Rural Drinking Water Supply Programme - Suvarna Jala - and also through various Zilla Panchayats, Gram Panchayats, Municipalities, Urban and Rural Water Supply Boards; and Groundwater Development Agencies, Social Welfare Department, Industries, Corporate Sectors and others. The Groundwater Board of Bangalore is actively seeking their counsel in establishing a set of frameworks to develop relevant standards and benchmarks in the field of groundwater recharge. The implementation of FL V-wire technology has resulted in the rejuvenation of bore wells in peak summer months, thereby reducing the need for water supply through water tankers. In other instances, there is a remarkable improvement in the qualitative aspect of the water. The innovation provides twin benefits - it aids water recharge in dry and arid regions by addressing water requirements of a large section of society and also helps in avoiding new bore wells, need for tanker water and energy for water extraction. These help in obtaining a net positive carbon footprint and local community adaptation to water stress. The scalability of the innovation and its co-benefits has wider applicability in the context of climate change.

  • dropUnique Slot Structure: Owing to the unique design of the screen, which enables slots to be present horizontally and vertically there is continual flow without any interruption. Further, this ensures that there is sufficient open space for water to enter into this medium without much head loss due to friction. This system allows for the overall efficiency of the tube well to be improved.
  • dropHigher Filtration: Due to the slot-based approach of the v-wire technology, we are able to choose the size of the slots depending on the media around / in which it is going to be placed. This allows for high filtration of even the tiniest sand particles allowing for good control over particle infiltration thereby decreasing maintenance and increasing the life of the product.
  • dropAnti Clogging: The salient shape and structural design of the V-Wire screen ensures that no sand or other particles get clogged in the system. This unique V shape results in the screen having a long endurance with no maintenance.
  • dropCorrosion Free: High-grade material with anti-corrosive property is used to manufacture our screens and therefore assuring corrosion-free usage. This enables the longevity of the product.
Technology Benefits:
  • dropDue to the installations of the V- Wire Injection Well in many of the severely drought prone areas of Karnataka, the groundwater table has significantly improved.
  • dropThe intervention through V-Wire injection well technology led to hundreds of bore wells, which had water tables more than 1000 feet below ground level being recharged to half their levels (450 to 500 feet).
  • dropReduces hardness , salinity and TDS contents in the groundwater sources.
  • dropReduces the dependancy on water supply systems, the pumping of water from distant places, extraction of water from deeper depths and movement of water through tankers.
  • dropExcellent source of water both for drinking as well as agriculture and allied activities as the water is free from chemicals such as Fluoride and Chlorine, and so no dissolved salts and minerals from the soil.
Environmental Benefits:
  • dropRecharge of groundwater, replenishes the deeper layers of the earth’s crust which in turn insulates the earth from rise in temperature, reducing global warming.
  • dropRainwater can enhance limited ground resources. More importantly, with reduced drawing out of groundwater, low yield bore well and springs can last indefinitely.
  • dropRainwater harvesting could significantly reduce water removal from rivers during critical summer months, ensuring reasonable water availability to support local ecosystems.
  • dropSeawater ingression can be checked in coast line.
  • dropReduces surface runoff and loss of top soil, thereby avoids silting of ponds and lakes.
  • dropGroundwater recharging promotes water neutrality by diverting the rainwater into the earth’s strata, which otherwise would have been wasted.
  • dropAll materials used are Eco-friendly and recyclable.
  • dropAdopting FL-V wire Technology, besides the existing bore well will help to sustain the yield of water for continuous use